
Л-35 — финский армейский автоматический пистолет системы Лахти.
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ЛА ПЬЕР →← Л 96 А 1

Смотреть что такое Л35 в других словарях:


ЛБОМ СТЕНУ (СТЕНКУ, СТЕНЙ) НЕ ПРОШИБЁШЬ (saying) it is impossible, useless to oppose great force or the authorities (said when a person has to yield to circumstances and accept <u>sth.</u> imposed on him by those in power): = itfc (there's) no use beating your head against a (brick) wallyou can't fight guns with sticksyou can't fight a howitzer with a peashooter. <u>Cf.</u> you can't fight city hall.<br>... смотреть

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